Currently Learning .v2

Web Development

I’ve finished my second web development capstone, which is a resume/personal website created entirely with HTML & Bootstrap. You can find that website here. In all, I’ve completed just under 50% of my web development course and have learned a lot about how to create fully functional, responsive web pages.

I’ve completely finished the JavaScript modules of the course; it was a good refresher on how to use JavaScript to add functionality to websites, including callback functions and audio playback. One of the projects I’ve completed is an interactive drum kit, which I haven’t included here since the files were part of the paid course content. I also learned a good amount about jQuery, which was very useful for streamlining the cumbersome process of selecting elements using JavaScript.

Next up: Backend technologies with Node.js

Coding Practice

I’ve postponed work on the Data Science course in favor of practicing problem solving and coding. Since I’ve been working with web development tools so much, my goal is to keep my Python and Java skills fresh for coding interviews. I’ve started using LeetCode since it’s the most well-known, but I might also work with HackerRank, since I had to use it for an interview recently. The type of work I’ve been doing this summer is far removed from designing efficient algorithms and working with data structures, so I’m hoping the extra practice will keep these skills fresh.

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