Currently Learning .v3

I’ve been focusing heavily on advancing my Web Development skills this past month. I’ve completed two capstone projects; the first is a Todo List which uses Express.js to serve a simple landing page for a todo list application and node.js in the backend, the second is a simple currency conversion app which utilizes ExchangeRate-API to convert a base currency to any target currency. The link to the todo list application can be found here. I may make the currency converter app public at a later date if I can find a good way to do so while also hiding my API key.


The todo list application is the capstone for all the work I’ve done this month on backend development using node.js/npm/express.js. This project in particular can support two lists using HTML endpoints and methods. The front end is developed in Extended JavaScript (EJS), which allows for JavaScript to be mixed into HTML pages. This gives webpages greater functionality, and in this example allows for a list to expand as new items are added to the page.

Career Development

I’m in the midst of the interview process for two jobs I’m very excited about – Hopefully I’ll have more to say about this in the future!

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